
There are only two of us in this group but I have still created a schedule in order to easily find out when my partner is available during the week. I created this in Microsoft Excel and I inserted rows and columns of which included Monday-Friday, periods 1-6 including break and lunch. Luckily, Fatema and I have the same free periods meaning that we should be able to find each other to work along with this project. The highlights show when we are both available.

During study sessions, Fatema and I may not be able to find each other as we may be outside, at home, or in a different room in school therefore I thought of creating a contact list, however as there is only the two of us in the group, we've each got each other's numbers so we are both able to get hold of eachother when needed, by sending emails, texting, or calling. Therefore I did not have to create a contact list.