When viewing our presentation to the class, we received quite negative feedback as the scenario itself was very complicated and many people in the audience did not seem to understand it therefore asked many questions. As of this, my group and I decided that we should keep the same genre of horror/thrill however change the storyline itself in order to make it more simple and easier for the audience to understand. This is because if I were part of the audience watching a trailer and I didn't understand the plot or what was going on, I may not be motivated to go and watch the film as the confusion of the trailer may put me off. Also, apart from the storyline being confusing, it seemed a bit too fake and unrealistic in the sense that we may not be able to deliver the message across; or may not be able to actually film the scenes as well as try to keep the horror running throughout. Due to some of the negative feedback, we have decided that a new storyline definately has to be made and now as Tina has joined our group, this allowed more ideas and more help to be input within the group. We have decided to make new characters, a new shit list, and a new storyboard. We will also split up the roles fairly between us of which may change during the weeks.