Before starting my poster, I have researched other film posters in order to get an understanding and some inspiration of what other horror/thriller film posters may look like. One of the posters that I looked at was called “The Grudge”. The film itself is useful to look at as the trailer was scary and added the thrill factor of which we had to include in our own trailer. The poster itself for “The Grudge” is frightening as the picture only takes up half of the poster however the picture itself is of the eye of who may seem to be “the grudge” from the film. This seems very mysterious to the people viewing the poster. The tagline on this poster is written at the bottom above the billing box and this states “It never forgives. It never forgets” and I thought that the idea of having this tag line was very effective therefore I would use this idea on my own poster. The title of the film is orange and bold, in the middle of the poster therefore making it stand out as well as the date of when the film is out; October. I would like to keep my own poster quite simple yet visually attractive to keep the people appealed. I would like to include a picture of an object in the film as this may lead the audience into wanting to find out more about what goes on in the film.